Evidence shows that many of the leading causes of death such as heart disease, cancer, stroke, injuries, etc. can be prevented by improving personal health habits. As distance learners, you will have an online learning motivation. Staying healthy is especially important since we don’t receive the physical activity and interaction of a traditional campus.

Fortunately for us, staying fit is actually quite simple and affordable. Just continue reading to learn the habits successful distance learners practice to stay healthy.

Regular health check-ups.

Avoid waiting until you have annoying symptoms before visiting the doctor. Scheduling check-ups with your family physician, dentist, and chiropractor is an important step in preventing illness and injury.

Vitamins in your diet.

A busy schedule may leave you eating in a rush and making poor food choices. Now is a good time to get into the habit of taking vitamins and minerals to supplement your nutritional needs.

Eat healthy meals and snacks.

Consuming healthy foods is important to fight disease, provide energy, and for the body’s systems to function properly. The food choices you make now can have lasting affects on your health. Don’t let your busy schedule prevent your from eating foods that benefit you in many ways.

Drink lots of water.

The brain is made up of over 80 percent water and is essential to concentration and memory function. Get into the habit of filling a large water bottle and keep it with you wherever you go. Keeping one at your desk is a great reminder. Also take into consideration the way your routine varies from the weekdays to weekend. You may be in a great habit of drinking plenty of water at work, but then forget when you are at home on the weekend. Avoid feeling sluggish over the weekend by staying properly hydrated.


All work and no play leads to stress which has adverse affects on the immune system and your ability to function. Finding ways to relax — participating in hobbies and allowing for some down time in your schedule — will actually make you more productive. Simple ways to relax include listening to music, meditating, doing yoga, and reading for pleasure.

Stay in touch with friends.

Humans are social creatures and there is a lot of value in our relationships. The people in our lives are essential to helping us feel motivated, encouraged, and solve problems. All of this leads to less stress and greater relaxation